The innovative maintenance software
specifically for metalworking

The innovative maintenance software
specifically for metalworking

247Uptime: Optimal maintenance of your machines

Careful maintenance of your production machines saves money, but requires know-how and regular servicing. You have competent specialists and external service providers for this.

247Uptime is the perfect support for all employees who are entrusted with maintenance tasks. As a simple maintenance tool, 247Uptime organizes the collaboration of your specialists – especially for autonomous maintenance and the involvement of external service providers.

At the same time, simple documentation of all incidents, solutions and maintenance work ensures that knowledge is built up over the long term. In this way, you secure the know-how about your machinery and make it accessible to all employees.

247Uptime Dashboard

Dashboard: So you always know what’s going on
or where there’s something to do.

Maintenance tool for small and medium-sized production facilities:

  • Mold making
  • toolmaking
  • contract manufacturing
  • Precision manufacturing
  • Gear manufacturing
  • Sheet metal forming
  • Wire forming

247Uptime is the optimal maintenance solution for metalworking. Many of our customers have between 5 and 100 machines and stand for the highest quality and precision.

247Uptime: Maintenance management pays off immediately

247uptime_Reduktion der Instandhaltungskosten

Reduction of
maintenance costs

247uptime_Reduktion der ungeplanten Stillstaende

Reduction of
unplanned downtime

247uptime Erhoehung Transparenz und Knowhow Sicherung

Increased transparency
and safeguarding know-how

KI for maintenance: With 247Uptime you use artificial intelligence to make maintenance better and easier.

We are constantly developing our solution: For example, chatbot based on generative AI to save you the hassle of searching through manufacturer documents.

Maintenance scheduling for your machinery

Carrying out maintenance and inspections is an essential part of preventive maintenance. With the help of maintenance planning from 247Uptime, you always have an overview of all measures. Whether in accordance with manufacturer specifications or your maintenance strategy, you can use our maintenance software to optimize your maintenance processes.

  • Machine-specific planning of maintenance and inspections
  • Plant overview in the maintenance calendar with reminders via email and push notifications
  • Classification of maintenance and inspections
  • Detailed description of the maintenance procedure
  • Documentation of the maintenance carried out and storage in the machine history
  • Recording of planned and actual costs and times for each maintenance task carried out
247Uptime Wartungsaufgaben
247UPTime Störungsmanagement

Error management: mobile and always up-to-date

247Uptime is designed as a mobile maintenance solution, making it particularly easy to document machine life. Whether an unplanned downtime or just an anomaly: any incident can be recorded, documented and reported with the help of messages. If there is a major problem, the solution can also be documented and stored in the digital machine log.

  • Documentation of incidents with text, photos, videos and documents
  • Status of the report: open, in progress, completed.
  • Processing of reports for additions or corrections
  • Sending the fault report to the manufacturer’s service department
  • Classification of the report: fault, abnormality, message, etc.
  • Storage of the message in the machine history
  • Documentation of problem solutions
  • Recording of costs and times

Digital knowledge management secures your machine know-how and makes it available at all times

As a platform for knowledge management, 247Uptime focuses on the central provision of all documents in the mobile machine file on the one hand and on building up experience in dealing with your machinery on the other. This is particularly valuable for our customers, as many experienced machine operators and maintenance staff will soon be retiring.

  • Provision of all media relating to the machine in the machine management system (documents, videos, plans, etc.)
  • Provision of internal documents to standardize the procedure (e.g. across locations)
  • Clear FAQs on the machines
  • Digital machine log with all incidents and problem solutions
  • Search function to quickly find solutions in documents or previous incidents
247UpTime Wissensmanagement

Knowledge management with 247Uptime: History – Documents – FAQs

Simple organization of maintenance tasks in small companies

Professional maintenance of production facilities saves money, increases availability and contributes to a stable high quality of the parts produced. The effectiveness of maintenance can be measured in various key figures such as MTTR, MTBF or OEE and is part of numerous production management approaches such as TPM. For this reason, large companies train entire departments with the task of professional maintenance management. In small companies, on the other hand, maintenance is often only carried out by a few employees and often only in addition to numerous other tasks. With 247Uptime, this is not a disadvantage per se. After all, whether the maintenance task is also implemented effectively in small production facilities is primarily a question of organization and transparency. 247Uptime offers an optimal platform for this as a simple and intuitive maintenance management software.

  • No more missed routine maintenance thanks to numerous reminder functions
  • Optimal organization of collaboration across locations
  • Optimal standardization of maintenance across locations
  • Optimal integration of external service providers and manufacturer service
  • Transparency about current incidents and planned actions on the plant dashboard
  • Cost and effort recording to analyze and improve the maintenance strategy
  • No Excel where it doesn’t belong

Maintenance software doesn’t have to be complex!

247Uptime is:

  • Easy to implement,
  • Easy to use and
  • not expensive!

Core features

Dashboard für den schnellen Überblick 247Uptime

Dashboard for a quick overview

Maschinenakte mit Dokumenten, FAQ und sonstigen Informationen

Machine file with documents, FAQs and other information


Machine history and digital machine logbook

Erfassung der Zählerstände in 247Uptime

Recording of meter readings

Wartungsplanung & Wartungskalender 247Uptime

Maintenance planning and maintenance calendar

Dokumentation von Wartungen 247Uptime

Documentation of maintenance work

Erfassung von Kosten und Zeiten 247Uptime

Recording of costs and times

Erfassung Störungen & Dokus von Lösungen 247Uptime

Recording of faults and documentation of solutions

Suchfunktion von 247Uptime

Search function

Abbildung von Werksstrukturen und Equipment Pools 247Uptime

Mapping of plant structures and equipment pools

Export aller Daten nach Excel aus 247Uptime

Export of all data to Excel

Usermanagement 247Uptime

Standard and advanced users

Volle Offlinefähigkeit der App 247Uptime

Full offline capability of the app

Attraktive und intuitive Bedienung 247Uptime

Attractive and intuitive operation

Get to know all the advantages and functions!

24Uptime Logo

Test 30 days free of charge!

247Uptime Livedata

Machine connectivity for maintenance

IoT connectivity enables live monitoring of your machines and production systems or digital predictive maintenance solutions. Such data-driven IoT solutions promise a detailed and always up-to-date insight into the machine status, but initially require a great deal of effort to network the machinery. In small companies, this effort is usually not commensurate with the achievable benefits for maintenance.

247Uptime therefore relies on an approach that does not require an IoT connection to the machines at all, but still promises a high level of benefit and up-to-date transparency.

However, since 247FactoryNet has developed IoT solutions for industry in numerous customer projects, we are also able to establish a network between your machines and 247Uptime at a later date. Read more about our industrial networking solutions here.

247Uptime Logo

Perfect for mobile and office use!

Dr.-Ing. Mathias Döbele, Geschäftsführer, 247FactoryNet

“Small and medium-sized manufacturing companies are the backbone of Germany’s industrial base. We have set ourselves the goal of strengthening these companies with simple digitalization solutions. Therefore, we are constantly improving our solutions. You can rely on us.”

Dr.-Ing Mathias Döbele, Geschäftsführer 247FactoryNet GmbH

Try it out:
Request a 30-day trial now!

247Uptime is the optimal maintenance tool for small and medium-sized industrial production facilities. Test it now for 30 days free of charge!

  • Full functionality and maximum performance
  • Transfer all your data from the test account
  • Hosting in Germany
  • Cloud-based, no download required

Quick help with questions and uncertainties.