Industrial Service Experience: Shaping the industry of the future


Redefining mechanical engineering: service-oriented, digital, flexible

Industrie 4.0 Lösungen vom Experten

Benefit from our individual consulting services:


Create enthusiasm with application know-how and artificial intelligence

The future is in the data: Instead of reinventing the machine, we use it as a basis for data-driven innovations to take productivity in the factory to a new level. This means that machine builders and factory operators are ideally equipped for the future.

Flexible digitalization solutions for

Flexible Digitalisierungs­lösungen für Maschinenbauer und Anlagenbauer

Machine and plant builders

Closer to your customers

You are innovative and develop the best solutions together with your customers. The digital transformation brings great opportunities for this, but also many questions. Take advantage of our experience on your way to the digital future.

We support you to create more benefits for your customers.

Flexible Digitalisierungs­lösungen für Fabrikbetreiber

Factory operators

Focus on your core competencies

You need to be flexible in meeting the requirements of your customers.
To do this, direct your full focus on the value creation processes and use the possibilities of Industry 4.0 for the rest.

We support you in achieving higher machine availability.

Flexible Digitalisierungs­lösungen für Serviceanbieter

Service Providers

More range with efficient personnel deployment

Know-how and available personnel are your business basis and at the same time your bottleneck.

We support you through digitalized know-how provision and the scaling of your service offerings.

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247FactoryNet – Your partner for the digital future



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The networked industry is coming: shine with Industrial Service Experience!

Industry 4.0 is characterized by intelligent machines and devices that are permanently networked with each other in the Internet of Things and produce a large amount of data. This gives the life cycle of a machine or plant a completely new meaning. It is the basis for new business models, new providers and new solutions in Industry 4.0. Software and networking are thus becoming the decisive strategic factors in Connected Industry. Companies that act strategically and create an Industrial Service Experience will prevail in the market in the long term.

Machines become autonomous and platforms for data and services
Machines become autonomous and platforms for data and services

Future machines will not only be smart, but they will also become autonomous through networking and with the help of machine learning. As a result, the machines themselves will know best how to complete an upcoming job or when maintenance needs to be performed. Software-based functions additionally make them adaptive – i.e., they permanently adjust their capabilities to the requirements placed on them.

Service business models dominate Industry 4.0
Service business models dominate Industry 4.0

Service for maintaining and optimizing machines is increasingly being built on digital data from the machines and is thus able to be offered much faster, better and more cost-effectively. In addition, the performance of the machine itself is increasingly becoming a service, giving rise to new business models for Industrie 4.0 such as pay per use. Industrial software is becoming the decisive factor for success.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming a differentiating factor in mechanical engineering.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming a differentiating factor in mechanical engineering.

Due to the shortage of skilled workers and the generation change, the usage behavior of machines is also changing significantly. Comprehensive user support through digital assistants will prevail in both the productive and ancillary processes of the machine and will determine how efficiently the machine is used. The basis of these digital services is digital data and its processing by artificial intelligence.

The architecture of machines and plants is changing fundamentally
The architecture of machines and plants is changing fundamentally

Due to the increasing importance of data, essential functions of the machine are shifting to the cloud. This not only enables new service business models and faster innovation cycles, but also more efficient operation of machines – benefits that customers will ultimately appreciate. The automation architecture of machines and plants will change fundamentally as a result. Only performance, real-time and safety will remain on the machine. This requires enormous adjustments to the internal development processes at machine and plant manufacturers.

Networked manufacturing will be organized via platforms
Networked manufacturing will be organized via platforms

The value-creation processes in a smart factory are absolutely transparent and recorded in data technology almost in real time. This opens up numerous new opportunities to offer the services provided in agile value creation networks. Various platform economies will emerge in market niches, in which product manufacturers do not necessarily also have to be the operators of the machines. The factory of the future will even host several different operators.

New competition emerges from industrial software solutions
New competition emerges from industrial software solutions

Industrialization 4.0 is driven by software solutions and smart services. As a result, previous innovations in mechanical and plant engineering – such as an improved machine – will largely fall by the wayside. The decisive factor will be how a machine can be integrated into the value creation process. Digital data, artificial intelligence and the corresponding application knowledge play a decisive role here.

Take advantage of our know-how from technology to business

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247FactoryNet –
Your partner for the digital future.