Digital Services and Service Platforms

Digital Services for greater Efficiency
in the Smart Factory

Digital Services and Service Platforms create new benefits across the entire machine life cycle

Digital services create innovation and differentiation. As an industry partner, we turn your use cases into attractive service applications.

Digitaler Service

Industrial Service Experience
as a Differentiating Factor

Industrial Service Experience as a Differentiating Factor

The Smart Factory is characterized by a comprehensive digital service world – with the machine at the center. This creates efficiency and potential for additional business.

We create enthusiasm in the Smart Factory!

Industrial Service Experience as a differentiating factor in the Smart Factories

Your future business is based on data and AI-supported business models. Create new differentiation and customer benefits with digital services and service platforms.

For Mechanical Engineers

Connecting your machines and IT systems enables transparency and AI-driven optimization. Ensure efficiency and flexibility in the Smart Factory with individual service applications.

For Factory Operators

We develop digital service solutions specifically for medium-sized industrial companies

Your benefit is what drives us:

  • Innovative service world around the machine
  • Differentiation, new sales and cost-cutting potential
  • Customer proximity throughout the entire product life cycle
  • We have been working exclusively for industry for 18 years.
  • We are software developers, technology consultants and strategic challengers
  • We stand for success in digital industry

Smart Service Solutions
around the machine are our passion

Service Portal IoT Machine Monitoring IoT Service Platform Machine Builder App IoT Quality Monitoring Digital Machine Record Digitaler Service Serviceportal von 247FactoryNet Digitaler Service IoT Maschinenmonitoring von 247FactoryNet Digitaler Service Digitale Maschinenakte von 247FactoryNet Digitaler Service IoT Serviceplattform von 247FactoryNet Digitaler Services IoT-Qualitätsüberwachung von 247FactoryNet Digitaler Service Maschinenbauer-App von 247FactoryNet

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Cover Whitepaper - Digitale Services

Whitepaper –

Cover Whitepaper

Innovation in the factory is digital.
We develop your data and AI-based digital services for the Smart Factory

Integrated production services in the Smart Factory

Integrated Production Services arise from the seamless interlocking of machine functions, traditional customer service and new digital services – they create new benefits for the operator and thus real innovation potential.

  • Autonomous machine with 247KnowledgeGPT
  • OEE optimization increases machine value
  • Networked machine creates additional service potential

We increase your competitiveness!

247NetKit Technology Kit
Optimal solutions for industrial applications

Our 247NetKit technology kit is optimized for the requirements of industry: Industry-specific data integration and the development of innovative applications go hand in hand

  • Short time to market – many industry-typical features are already available
  • Designed as a stable foundation for all your future developments
  • Focuses on the strategic interests of our customers – data sovereignty, EU Data Act and Manufacturing-X ready

No IT or programming skills required!

247NetKit technology kit – optimal solutions for industrial applications

Industry-typical application modules for a quick start



Asset Management

Asset Management

Service Maintenance

Service Maintenance

Quality Control

Quality Control

Industrielle Bildverarbeitung - ein digitaler Service von 247FactoryNet

Industrial image processing

Chatbot with Generative AI

Chatbot with Generative AI

Field Service

Field Service

Document and video delivery

Document and Video Delivery

User Management

User Management

IoT networking

IoT Networking

Information Modelling

Information Modelling

Data Integration

Data Integration

Our Approach
We work with our customers on a long-term and trusting basis

The development of digital products differs greatly from the classic development process in mechanical engineering. With our proven 3-phase concept, we also introduce modern, agile working methods to our customers.

Vorgehensweise Problem identifizieren

Identify the problem

Vorgehensweise digitale Services
Vorgehensweise Problem entdecken

Define the product

Vorgehensweise digitale Services
Vorgehensweise Produkt entdecken

Implement and operate the product

Vorgehensweise Problem identifizieren

Identify the problem

Vorgehensweise digitale Services
Vorgehensweise Problem entdecken

Define the product

Vorgehensweise digitale Services
Vorgehensweise Produkt entdecken

Implement and operate the product

We also manage the professional operation of your solution. Read more about our operations and service offerings here

247FactoryNet –
Your partner for the digital future.