These Internet pages are intended to provide general information about the company 247FactoryNet GmbH, its products and services. They are not intended to provide technical advice or instructions about the products and services sold by 247FactoryNet. For specific inquiries about our products and services, please contact 247FactoryNet directly.
We make every effort to provide you with accurate and up-to-date information. However, we make no warranty (express or implied) as to the accuracy or completeness of the information. Furthermore, we assume no liability for any kind of damage resulting from the use of the information published here. Before using or applying our products, the instructions for use enclosed with the products must be observed.
These Internet pages also contain information from third parties and refer to other Internet pages. Wherever possible, this is marked accordingly. We cannot accept any liability for information from third parties.
All images and information on these Internet pages are, insofar as they can be reproduced, protected by copyright or other industrial property rights. All product names, written in capital letters or marked in any other way in these Internet pages, are trademarks of 247FactoryNet GmbH. The use and reproduction of this information is not permitted without the prior written consent of 247FactoryNet.
We reserve the right to change the content of these Internet pages without prior notice whenever we see fit.